Our 200-hour yoga program is a great launch into teaching or an amazing way to deepen your personal practice! This is where you get your foundation. You will be spending a lot of time practice teaching. Along with learning about, alignment, anatomy, pranayama, meditation, hands on assisting, The Yoga Sutras and The Bagavagita, teaching tools and presentation skills. The Shop’s Teacher Training is designed for serious students interested in becoming teachers, teachers wishing to refine and develop their craft, and students wishing to expand their knowledge and physical practice. We are committed to your ability to teach a full class upon graduation as well as huge personal growth, that will show up all over your life. In four concentrated months you will be immersed in yoga and will come out a certified yoga teacher!
Location: The Yoga Shop EAST.
Dates: Sept 10-11 + 24-25, Oct 8-9 + 22-23, Nov 5-6 +19-20, Dec 3-4 +17-18.
Led by: Annie Q, Holly Peronace-Zygiel and Dana Wilcox + the LivFree Mentoring Team.
Program Tuition: $3000 if paid in full. $3500 payment plan ($1300 due on acceptance, $1300 due before training begins, $900 due one month before graduation).